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  • Image of Society6 store - iPhone cases/skins/ canvas prints/ framable art
  • Image of Society6 store - iPhone cases/skins/ canvas prints/ framable art
  • Image of Society6 store - iPhone cases/skins/ canvas prints/ framable art
  • Image of Society6 store - iPhone cases/skins/ canvas prints/ framable art
  • Image of Society6 store - iPhone cases/skins/ canvas prints/ framable art

Please note that this link will direct you to a different store and the products are made by Society6 for miles to go. They handle all shipping and customer service for these products.

Tons of images available as framable art, 18x24 canvas prints, iPhone 4S/4/ 3G and 3GS skins and cases as well as some iPad and macbook skins.

tons of long gone designs from miles to go available to pick up.

Miles to go Society 6 storefront

Do not add this item to your cart. it is listed as one penny just so it previews.

iPhone hard cases: $35
iPhone skins: $15
laptop/iPad skins: $25

prices for prints via S6:
8 x 10: $15
13 x 17: $18
17 x 21: $25
22 x 28: $30
28 x 36: $45

stretched canvas prints:
13 x 17: $85
18 x 24: $95
24 x 32: $150