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  • Image of Miles to go - Poetry Collection - Promises to keep Vol. 1
  • Image of Miles to go - Poetry Collection - Promises to keep Vol. 1
  • Image of Miles to go - Poetry Collection - Promises to keep Vol. 1
  • Image of Miles to go - Poetry Collection - Promises to keep Vol. 1

More than any other product miles to go has been able to do, this is the one I am most proud of. A collection of over 100 different writers who submitted their poems and short stories all collected together in one fantastic collection. This book has writers from all over the world, with submissions from the USA, UK (Ireland/Scotland), Canada, Australia, Latvia, Mexico & Singapore

Coming in at around 175 pages, this book is filled with the brilliant words and ideas of the miles to go community. Book size is 6x9

2 options:
1. Hardcover - hand numbered no inscription
2. Softcover version of the book.

If you buy one thing this year from miles to go, I hope this is it because its beyond how I can possibly describe it.

The book weighs 14 ounces which is more than can be sent first class(US) so they will be shipped Media Mail in the states.

Canada and International, they are priced at 14oz mark with current pricing for first class.

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